Fact or fiction: a cosmetic doctor sets the beauty record straight

Fact or fiction: a cosmetic doctor sets the beauty record straight

Fact or fiction: a cosmetic doctor sets the beauty record straight

Whether you’re hesitant about injectables, always privy to the newest skin trends or yet to be convinced on the efficacy of ingestible beauty supplements, the real answers are in. Here’s everything you need to know about anti-ageing treatments.

It’s an industry of virality, excess and misinformation. But if there’s one expert we trust to declutter the beauty space, it’s award-winning medical and cosmetic doctor Dr Ewoma Ukeleghe.

Beauty obsessed or skincare newbie, we asked championed voice, Dr Ewoma, to set the record straight on the top skin treatment truths and myths. Will anti-wrinkle injections really freeze your face? Is all marine collagen created the same? In this video segment, we finally dispel fact from fiction.


Shop the story


Natural Marine Collagen Sachets Original

Promotes glowing skin and smooths fine lines


Collagen Liquid Advance

Firm skin and smooth fine lines on-the-go